Le Challenge
The European Cycling Challenge – ECC2017 is a urban cyclists’ team competition. It takes place from 1 to 31 May 2017.
It is a challenge among European cities: the City that “rides” the longest total distance wins!
The challenge is open to all people living in participating cities, or travelling to/from/across those cities for work, study or other reasons.
All journeys made by bicycle instead of other means of transportation (such as car, motorcycle or any engine powered vehicles) are accepted. For instance: journeys to and from workplace, school, to shopping, to go to the cinema, etc… are valid journeys (see Rules for more information)
Participation is free!
To join ECC2017 subscribe to your City Team, download the free App Naviki on your smartphone, join your City Team and track your journeys by bicycle. Your km will contribute to the total mileage of your team.
Join in now and have fun!