Örebro is the 7th largest city in Sweden with a population of 142 618 inhabitants (2014-12-31) and growing with approx. 2000/yr. Örebro is a regional centre, situated 200 km west of Stockholm. Its location in the country is advantageous for the city’s position as a logistical centre, for both road and rail. Örebro has a university with about 17 000 students and a few large industries, many employees works in trade and service sectors.
A plan for the cycling network has been developed. A hierarchical structure of the cycling network is made by distinguishing four layers in the cycling network:
- Main high quality cycling corridors
- City network and regional routes
- Local network
- Recreational routes
By participating in European Cycling ChallengeÖrebrowantsto:
- Promote cyclingas a transport mode. It’s a way for the citizens toknow how much they bike and where.
- By participating in the Örebro team the citizens help the municipality to obtain flow data that could be used for developing the bicycle infrastructure.
Nearly all citizens have access to a bike (92%). The main reasons for cycling are that it is fast and easy. Other arguments are that it is cheaper and healthier than travelling by car.
We have continuous monitoring of the number of cyclists at several traffic lights plus three special bicycle counters. 2011 we made a travel survey