Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia

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Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia is a city on the edge and people friendly. At top ranking position for the quality of life, it is a city devoted to youth: infant schools and nurseries are universally recognized for their pedagogical approach, studied and implemented around the world. Reggio is among the first cities in Italy for its export and employment rates, as well as a city in continued economic growth, thanks to its many industries. 

Present in the circuit of the city of art, the city also accounts for ancient monuments as well as works of contemporary art such as “I ponti di Calatrava”, “Spazio Gerra” and events like Fotografia Europea. In addition, the city is culturally and socially vibrant due to the large number of organizations, services and the university. 

Over the years, Reggio Emilia has established nine twinning agreements, six pacts of friendship and it is linked to over two hundred international companies; it participates in numerous European and international projects including the “Intercultural cities” project (Reggio is the only italian city following this project). 

Homeland of “Tricolore”, the Italian national flag born in 1797 in the current city hall, and Gold Medal of the Resistance, Reggio is a city rich in history, famous people, but especially characterized by a tremendous historical and collective identity. In a nutshell, Reggio Emilia is: a city of people

Considering urban mobility initiatives as part of an effort to improve urban life, since over a decade Reggio Emilia is fully committed in raising the well-being of the inhabitants by building a better mobility system. Reggio Emilia is well know for 2 mobility excellences at national and European level:

1. Cycling: Reggio Emilia is the first city in Italy for cycling facilities offer (sources: Report Ecosistema Urbano-Il Sole24 ore; Annual Report-Legambiente). The Biciplan (Cycling Plan) is the main part of the PUM (Urban Mobility Plan) and contains an overall strategy aimed at enforcing the role of the bike as structural element of the urban mobility, within a strategy of a complete re-design of the urban space.

2. Evs Policies: thanks to several projects tailored to the city’s local conditions and a mix of financial and non-financial incentives, the city is committed to making electric mobility a reality to promote a more sustainable mobility behaviour in the Municipality and particularly in the city centre, which is a vulnerable and historical urban area.

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Sei il titolare o lavori per un'azienda, una scuola, un'associazione di Reggio Emilia e vorresti che fosse coinvolta nella sfida? Oppure semplicemente vuoi partecipare con il tuo gruppo di amici? 
Novità nella sfida di quest'anno è la possibilità di creare delle sottosquadre cittadine per dare vita ad una sfida nella sfida a Reggio Emilia. In questo modo potrai pedalare insieme ai tuoi compagni di sottosquadra e raggiungere un risultato di gruppo, sommando i km che ciascuno percorrerà. 
Scrivi a  indicandoci i tuoi riferimenti o quelli della tua azienda e il nome della tua squadra; ti contatteremo appena verrà creata la tua squadra! 
